Annual Open House
April 27th, 9am-5pmIn support of our neighbors at the Hattie Larlham Foundation.
Every spring we at Lakeside host an open house and antique construction equipment show. Friends, neighbors and customers are all welcome to attend this free event. Through the years we have collected many pieces of antique construction equipment and with the help of our employees and many volunteers, these machines have been restored to like new or working condition. From early Caterpillar crawlers to prototype Euclid loaders, shovels and cranes of every type, there are over 100 machines in the collection.
These machines are important to us because they represent a large chunk of American history that is often overlooked. Many hours are spent in the restoration process, but the rewards are plentiful. The open house is our chance to showcase and enjoy this working history. The antiques are displayed working alongside the modern equipment that we utilize in our mine every day. Tours are also given of our working mine and processing plant with a guide to explain all the steps in the mining and production process.
This open house began years ago as an extension of the International Watch Fob Association annual show in Middleburg Heights, Ohio. It has grown into a substantial show of its own with an annual attendance of hundreds of people.
Please join us on the last Saturday in April from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. While this event is free, we do ask for donations in support of our neighbors at the Hattie Larlham Foundation.
We would like to thank all of you who have attended in years past and made each show such a success. As with any public event, much work goes on behind the scenes in preparation and many thanks are due to the volunteers who help us make it happen.